Donaghcloney 1sts/2nds/3rds/U15’s
- Batting Style:
- Role:
Wicket keeper
- First appearance for the club:
2008 u15s v Lurgan when I smashed James Mcollum for 6 onto the road at Lurgan, he was not happy!!
- Most memorable match:
This year for the 2NDXI when we were the umpires beat us at Derriaghy and it was me and my dads first game together and we had 100 runs between us and the match had drama the whole way through it, winning the Graham cup, or hitting 30 of the last two over’s to win us the match for the academy to get through to the semi final and of course my first fifty of only33 balls!!
- Favourite player:
Eoin Morgan / Paul Lyttle.
- Favourite football team:
Donaghcloney / Man United.
- On my iPod:
David Guetta, Black eyed peas, Calvin Harris, Iyaz, Kings of Leon, snow Patrol.
- Favourite food:
Subway and the good awl Christmas dinner!!!
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