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2014 AGM for Donaghcloney CC

by admim on October 25th, 2014

As a slight change to the format of previous years the Donghcloney AGM was held at The Half Way house on Friday 24th October 2014. There was good attendance and the following office bearers were elected

Chairman            Keith Ogle

Hon Secretary    Kyle Weir

Treasurer            Timmy McClure

1st XI Capt          Phil Derby

1st XI VC             Steven Hanna

2nd XI Capt        Keith Martin

2nd XI VC           Willie Fisher

3rd XI Capt         Jim Warren

3rd XI VC            Raymie Matthews

Mid Week Capt   Raymie Matthews

Under 11&13        Steven Hanna

Under 15              Jim Warren

We wish all those people the best of luck in their roles next year.

It was noted at the AGM that 2016 is the 125 anniversary of the club and an effort should be made to celebrate the club both on and off the field during that year. Matthew Lyttle suggested that we should form a sub committee whose sole responsibility is to organise celebrations throughout the 2016 season. If anyone from within the community or any past players are interested in volunteering for this sub committee they should contact Keith Ogle or someone within the committee.

The Players dinner will be held in the Downshire Hotel on Friday 14th November. All those wishing to attend should contact Keith Martin ASAP as places need to be confirmed with the staff at the Downshire.

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